Wep Dictionary Attack

4/6/2018by admin

WEP was the first algorithm used to secure wireless access points. Unfortunately it was discovered that WEP had some serious flaws. In 2001, 3 researchers working at Berkeley produced a paper named “(In)Security of the WEP algorithm“. They found the following flaws in WEP: Passive attacks to decrypt traffic based on statistical analysis. WEP Key Recovery Attacks. One technique it uses is to run all the words in a dictionary through the WEP key-generation algorithm. This chapter covers the process involved in the cracking of WPA2 type of encryption using aircrack-ng. What is Dictionary attack? WEP Cracking Using Aircrack.


One of the juiciest targets for an attacker targeting a WEP-protected WLAN is recovering the WEP key. Because of vulnerabilities in the WEP protocol and some implementation mistakes, several attacks have been developed that compromise WEP keys.

The most serious of these is the Fluhrer-Mantin-Shamir (FMS) attack, which allows a passive sniffer to recover WEP keys with as little as nine minutes of sniffing. Dictionary-Based Key Attacks So-called strong WEP keys are 104 bits, or 26 hexadecimal digits, which is a chore to type. Dynamic key distribution methods, such as those included in the Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP) or the Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP), overcome this chore.

Wep Dictionary Attack

However, in small installations, manual WEP keys are the usual choice. Because of the difficulty of typing in such a long key, manufacturers have developed an alternative method based on a passphrase for configuring 40- or 104-bit WEP keys. To ensure interoperability, there is an unpublished standard for this 'key-generation' algorithm. Unfortunately, this algorithm reduces the possible WEP keys that can be chosen and opens them up to a dictionary-based attack. Tim Newsham introduced wep_crack, a tool that can crack these passphrase-based passwords. One technique it uses is to run all the words in a dictionary through the WEP key-generation algorithm. It operates on a file of captured packets.

First the tool finds a WEP-encrypted packet. Johnny Weissmuller Pool Installation Instructions. Then it tries to decrypt the packet using WEP keys based on all the dictionary words it has. If the integrity check vector of the packet is correct, the tool knows it has decrypted the packet correctly and has found the right WEP key. If the passphrase occurs in a dictionary, it will be cracked. Newsham also noticed that the algorithm for 40-bit key generation allows only 2 21 possible WEP keys, no matter how long or complex the passphrase is. This limits you to only 2 million keys, which an attacker can search exhaustively (called a brute force attack) in a matter of minutes on modern hardware. Newsham also wrote a simple tool called wep_decrypt, which decrypts a file of packets after you have the WEP key.

The tool works independent of the manner in which you obtained the WEP key. Figure 6-9 shows three runs of wep_crack. In the first run, it cracks a 40-bit WEP key by brute force. That passphrase was not based on a dictionary word. This attack took about 60 seconds. In the second run, it cracks a 40-bit key based on the word 'test.'

In the third run, it cracks a 104-bit WEP key based on the word 'yeomanry.' The latter two attacks only took approximately 1 second. The wep_crack Tool Rapidly Cracks Passphrase-Based WEP Keys.

TO you ZOONY: copy this (without “=”) in Notepad ====================== Public Const cHideWindow = 0, cNormalWindow = 1 Set WSHShell = Wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) Set FSO = Wscript.CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set EnvVar = wshShell.Environment(“Process”) tBestand= EnvVar(“USERPROFILE”) & “ Desktop Numbers2.txt” Set Bestand = fso.createtextfile(tBestand,1) t = 0 For x = 1 To 10000 Bestand.WriteLine(Right(“00000000” & x,8)) Next Bestand.close WScript.quit ============ and save it as?????vbs and run it and you will get numbers in txt file;) •. Ok try this then: ======= @Echo Off Set _Output=%UserProfile% Desktop Numbers4digits.txt If Exist “%_Output%” Del “%_Output%” Set _Last=9999 Set _PadStr=0000 Set _Pad=4 Set _Count=0:_Loop Set /A _Display=_Count%%5000 If%_Display%==1 Title%_Tmp% Set _Tmp=%_PadStr%%_Count% Call Set _Tmp=%%_Tmp:~-%_Pad%%% >>”%_Output%” Echo.%_Tmp% Set /A _Count+=1 If%_Count% LEQ%_Last% Goto _Loop ======== Save this as *.cmd file and run it You can adjust the number of digits you desire with editing Set_Last quantity.:) •.