Installing Merge Modules
Hi, step by step creation on.msi 1. Launch Microsoft VS 2005 2. Create new setup and diployment project. Paretologic Data Recovery Crack Keygen. In file system edior i have added all setup file. Select user interface editor 5. Add new checkboxs(A) page for select (1) server (2) Client. Now right click on setup project 7.
Help and assistance in setup development with Windows Installer and InstallShield. Free script code downloads, merge modules, tips and tricks, discussion boards. Hi Pankaj Joshi, A merge module is similar in structure to a simplified Windows Installer.msi file. However, a merge module cannot be installed alone, it must be merged into an installation package (.msi file) using a merge tool. Help and assistance in setup development with Windows Installer and InstallShield. Free script code downloads, merge modules, tips and tricks, discussion boards.
Select add merge Module 8. Select BDE_Pro. Fps Creator X9 Model Pack 53 Movies. msm file. In file system edior i have set propery value for Condition Client=1 and for server = 1 for respective files. There is no condtion propery for merge module file.
Then i build this setup and create.msi 12. Now install setup. Select server 13 It will install all server files and merge module. And now if I select client setup it still install merge module. (because condition is not set) 15. I dont want to install merge module if user select client during installation. Hope it is now clear.
Thanks in advance. Hi, I am also having similar kind of problem! I'm using Visual studio 2005 to create the.msi file. My project has two plugins and that can be installed based on the user selection. I have added those two plug-ins as merge modules and included in my main setup program.
I have added User interface with Check boxes (CustomCheckA). I have added a radio group with two radio buttons on top of the check boxes in CustomCheckA form using post build event script.
These two radio buttons serves like 'Install all plug-ins' and 'Install selected plugins'. I have added a property named 'PluginProperty' and set default value to 'All'. When all plug-ins option is selected all plugins will be installed. When 'Install selected plugins' option is selected the checkboxes will be enabled and based on the user selection in check boxes it will install the plug-in files.