Fsx Aerosoft - Kastellorizo X

5/15/2018by admin

Kastellorizo is a small island. Product information 'FSDG - Kastellorizo X. The free flight mentioned in the Aerosoft manual did not show up in the FSX. [FSX/FSX:SE/P3DV3/P3DV4] Aerosoft - FSDG - Kastellorizo v2.0. Add-on Scenery pour Microsoft Flight Simulator X, Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition.

Kastellorizo X - The Aegean Pearl (FSX+P3D) Aerosoft Kastellorizo is a small island located only 2 kilometers from the Turkish coast. It`s past it`s heyday as it now only has just under 500 inhabitants while it used to have as many as 10.,000 at the end of the nineteenth century.

Aerosoft Fsx Scenery

Sound Card Drivers. But for the many people who love island hopping in Greece it is a very attractive destination because of its originality, easy pace of living and the stark natural beauty. In FSX (and P3D) it is a perfect destination with a tremendous level of detail while keeping your framerates high. This version by FSDG shows again that this development team is among the best.

They got the colors always right and they know where to add detail and where to save polygons. What they end up is something that just?feels?


Kastellorizo, the Aegean Pearl, is a great example of what a modern small area scenery should be.

Media Format Immediate Download Compatibility Microsoft Flight Simulator X inc. Steam Edition & Prepar3D (including v4) File size 1 GB Turkey, as one of the foremost attractive nations to visit on Earth, is known for its unique landscape. Part of what makes Turkey so special, though, is the small islands based just off of its coast.

One of the islands, Kastellorizo, is a truly special location to come and visit. With just 500 inhabitants today, it makes a quaint and rather enjoyable place to come and spend your time. This scenery group by Aerosoft is designed for FSX and P3D users to help see this little island at its best.