Philips Dvp Firmware Hack - The Best Software For Your

3/21/2018by admin

World Of Warships Game. I have my 5960/37 connected to my 16:9 TV with a HDMI cable. I bought this player mainly for its upscaling capability.

Philips Dvp Firmware Hack - The Best Software For Your

This is not a problem when watching letter boxed DVD's. However, I have many home movies burned to DVD in 4:3 as well a photo CD's in 4:3. Problem is that when I watch these 4:3 DVD's on the 5960, the picture is stretched to fit the 16:9 TV. U-he Vst. I've read that some other DVD players suffer from the same problem while others like the Oppo, display in the proper 4:3 format over HDMI upconverted to 1080i. I called Philips support but I knew the conversation wouldn't go far when the tech continuouslly referred to 17:9 displays and said the problem was with my new TV. Junior Brand Manager Bosch Power Tools. I checked their support site and their is no firmware update to resolve this issue.