Ebay Bid Blocker Ware

3/6/2018by admin
Ebay Bid Blocker Ware

Hi, can anyone shed some light on my predicament, I have just sold an item for a large sum £7360, the auction ended yesterday at around 4.30pm, and I, and the buyer were very happy. However, last night and this morning I have recieved calls from other bidders who have said they tried to bid on the item, but were unable to, having clicked on confirm bid, they were shortly returned to the item page and their bid not showing. One person spent the last 10 minutes of the auction constantly trying to bid £8000, and getting nowhere, and another the last 5 mins trying to bid £7500. I have spoken to ebay. That's another 3 hours of my life I won't see again. To be told they will not put the auction in dispute, but they will request the tech team investigate the past 48 hours.

Ebay Bid Blocker Ware

Ebay Bid Blocker Software EBay Auction Sniper and Snipe Bid Tool v.3.1 Snipe eBay Auctions with this Auction sniper and online bidding tool that automates eBay Auctions. Ebay Bid Blocker: Display All. Can use automatic eBay bid sniper to let it bid on your behalf. New features in. Functionality, pop up blocker.

Ok, so informed the 'winning bidder' who is not happy and threatened hubby on phone. 'my boys are hot-headed and I can't stop them coming to see you'. Did a bit of googleing and found a few sites who will sell 'bid blocking' software which apparently stops others bidding on the item you are interested in. This sticks with me, as I had 18 bidders placing 44 bids which were placed every one or two hours up until 12.03, and then nothing until the last bid 8seconds before the end. It all seems strange to me, and ebay apparently have never heard of this bid blocking, which according to the googled sites has been available since 2000.

Descargar Cd De Rihanna Loud Deluxe Edition. Now the 'winning bidder' (who incidentally tried to buy it outside of the auction) who is a trader and had earlier mentioned he was going to make £10 grand on the item, is demanding to pick this up earlier than we arranged, in fact tomorrow. I tried to cancel the transaction, so I could wait for the outcome of the tech dept investigation, but of course the buyer declined, and ebay have now sent me a seller not selling alert, along with a message warning me of the binding contract I have made with the buyer. I rang them again to ask how can I sell it to him if you are investigating this auction, and of course someone, who claimed he had requested this, hadn't in fact requested anything. I asked ebay emplyee if he could contact the buyer and inform him that the contract was not binding as I was disputing it, but apparently ebay are not allowed to contact people.. The King Of Fighters Collection Pc Game. So he said he will request a tech dept back-track on the auction and will keep me informed.