Program Za Gta San Andreas Multiplayer

3/8/2018by admin
Program Za Gta San Andreas

Play online against thousands of players How San Andreas Multiplayer ( SA:MP or SA-MP) works is relatively simple, because it will only be necessary to install it in the game's folder to activate its functioning. Once installed, when you launch SA:MP you'll see a rather clear interface where you will be able to access the multiplayer mode servers from all over the world. So that you can select the server which you are most interested in, you'll be able to see the following information in the San Andreas Multiplayer interface: • Server name • Number of players, both active as well as maximum slots • Ping • Game Mode • Map Once you use these data to select a server, the game will open and it will start to load all the relevant data about the server and the other players which are connected at that moment in time, so that it will be possible to start playing. Gamemode Samp 0.3z. Therefore, if you want to play one of the best instalments of GTA in multiplayer mode, you only have to download San Andreas Multiplayer for free.

E treba mi san andreas multiplayer pa zna li neko kako da ga skinem i gde?? I cuo sam da treba neki patch za u igru pa gde da njega skinem??? I treba li cd da bi se. Link:Link za samp. Kako skinuti i instalirati GTA San Andreas Multiplayer. SA-MP (San Andreas Multiplayer) is a multiplayer mod for Grand Theft Auto San Andreas allowing users to play against each other over the internet or LAN.

Prije par godina ljudi su napravili servere na kojima se moze igrati GTA SA s drugim igracima tj. Prije godinu, dvije otvorili su se i balkanski serveri (par njih) Tu cu vam objasniti kakve vrste tih servera imaju: 1.DM- uglavno skracenica od Deathmatch. Pucas se s ostalima, mozes biti u odredjenoj bandi koja postoji na tom serveru, kupujes kuce i bizove, imas misije koje ti donose novce i experience. Experiencei ti daju lvl-up u igrici.

Ako skupis odredjeni broj experincea, prelazis na drugi lvl. I tako svaki puta kada skupis odredjen broj experineca. Uglavno sve ce vam biti bolje objasnjeno u igrici. Za igranje na nekom serveru trebate imati instaliran GTA SA i instaliran program za igranje online. Taj program mozete skinuti na ovoj stranici: Kada ste instalirali taj program otidjite na naradjanstu kvacicu i tamo upisite ip od odredjenog servera. Evo vam jedan server koji se otvorio nedavno, ali je odlican za sve igrace: ip servera: 94.23.