Namo Motion 2006

3/12/2018by admin
Namo Motion 2006

Namo FreeMotion (FreeMotion.exe). Namo FreeMotion is a powerful yet easy to use application that allows you to create Flash movies easily and conveniently. Creating Flash movies, animations and effects has never been this quick, easy and fun! With various preset animation effects, templates, tools and wizards, the.

Oct 21, 2007 ■ Motion tween. Namo FreeMotion supports creating Motion Tweens which allow an object to move around the canvas, as well as scale, rotate, and skew.

Namo FreeMotion 2006 By Stan Coplan Contributing Editor Namo FreeMotion 2006, from SJ Namo Interactive, is an end user product designed to ease the creation of Flash® movies. If you want an easy way to create Flash® based photo albums, slide shows, web site banners, and navigation buttons, read on, this product may be just what you've been waiting for. Installation The setup went off without a hitch. FreeMotion installs quickly from CD. You can download a from the web; it's 16 megabytes so a high-speed connection is advised. The program will prompt you for a serial number as well as an unlock code. The serial number is easy, it's all numbers.

The unlock code is a pesky alphanumeric and took me 3 or 4 tries to get it right. When the program starts up it presents you with a few basic options, Blank Document, Album, Banner, Navigation Buttons and Slide Show. Jump Right In Being familiar with Flash®, I started with a Blank Document and created a red circle, which also created a library object.

When you create or import images or text they are stored as objects so that they can be reused, and all the objects are stored together in a project library. I dragged a second circle onto the canvas and right-clicked to see what options are available. What is offered is a host of visual effects that can be applied directly to an object on the stage. The visual effects can be applied to shapes and text.

You can easily make the text move, shake and fly around in various ways. Each effect has various options to modify how the effect is applied. The options are different for each effect. The effect and combinations are quite extensive, something that Macromedia (now Adobe) left out in Flash®. Yes, you can build whatever you might need in Flash® if you are willing to spend the time making custom animations and writing actionscript ( the built in programming language), but Flash® doesn't come with many pre-built text or shape effects as does FreeMotion. If you are familiar with actionscript you are free to write the code to control your Flash® objects and movies. There are a bunch of tools to help you write actionscript.

S Winning Eleven 2010 more. The code window is easily available on a tab at the bottom of the page. There are code wizards to help you insert commands to control animations and link to web pages, and other helper tools for finding functions, methods and parameters for controlling your Flash® movies. In fact this is a great way to learn Flash® and actionscript without needing to buy the entire Flash® product family from Adobe.

While I was busy creating my new movie I thought I might try modifying a movie originally created in Flash®. FreeMotion has an Import function that's supposed to let you modify SWF files without having the original FLA source ( FLA files are the editable Flash® source files, SWF are the files you distribute ). It worked easily, importing a complex animation and allowing me to edit it. Since I have the FLA source I thought I'd try importing that too.

Oddly enough importing FLA files didn't work. There are also numerous other import filters supporting various bitmap and vector graphics along with some audio and video formats. I didn't try them all, but what I tried worked well. Pictures, Pictures Everywhere It was time to move on and see what power lurked behind this Flash® compatible program. If you start to create a new file and select the 'New From Template' option you have the choice of four additional document types, Album, Banner, Navigation Buttons and Slide Show.

The names make it pretty obvious what you are going to create. Like you, I have lots of digital pictures. I am always looking for an easy way to organize and display my pictures. Les Mills Body Combat Ultimate Warrior more. So it was time to test the 'Album' function.

Cmh Software Constructor there. FreeMotion has two album template types - embedded and external. The external album type keeps the SWF file separate from the pictures, so you must send both the SWF file and all the pictures to the web server or your friends. The embedded album stores the images in the SWF file.