Eye Berry For Healthy Eyesight Diet

3/25/2018by admin

Benefits of Blueberries for the Eyes. Are of particular benefit in maintaining eye health. Emerson Tko Software. Healthy Eating visit. Aging causes a decline not only in physical strength, but in eyesight as well. Your diet and lifestyle greatly affect your chances of developing vision problems. Protect your eyesight with these 6 tips for eye-healthy nutrition, lifestyle, and preventive care. A well-balanced diet also helps you stay at a. Here are some tips and tricks for a healthy eyesight. (Including white vegetables in your diet is beneficial). Berry-Special Tip DO.

The incomprehensible rise of the Internet in the last few decades has seen the internet take over the role of a universal library which admits all! This centralization of knowledge within the internet has acted as both a curse and a boon for us! The myriad world of the internet has ensured that we spend most of our waking hours in front of the computer, either surfing or downloading information. A direct result, of which has seen our eyes being put under tremendous strain from staring at the computer screen for long hours.

Healthy Eyesight OptometryVitamins For Healthy Eyesight

While working on a computer at the workplace is more or less the norm these days, we are still refusing to go offline once we are home! Our eye-balls are often stuck to either the computer or the TV or some other electronic gadget throughout the day. So how do we protect our eyes? How do we stop or at least reduce the damage to our eyes? While sunglasses and protective screens for the computer could help, the answer lies in what we eat! So what is this eye-friendly diet?

While taking secondary care such as wearing eye-glasses or regularly using eye-drops might help, but just a little. To protect and maintain a healthy eye-sight, one must start taking care from the inside!

What we mean is that one should start eating right to see right! This is where the eye-friendly diet comes into picture. For a healthy eye-sight, our body requires Vitamin A, E, C along with other nutrients such as Lutein, Lycopene, sulphur, beta-carotenoid etc. Fortunately all these can be found in the diet that we eat daily; all the eye-friendly diet concentrates on is the induction of these vitamins and minerals in our diets on a slightly higher scale.

What are the foods that are included in the eye-friendly diet? Carrots- While, you already knew about eating carrots for a good eye sight, did you know why? Carrots are packed with anti-oxidants, beta-carotene, Lycopene and Lutein; these anti-oxidants protect the eye-sight and reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts in the long run! Carrot also helps in the re-generation of new eye cells and helps improve vision. The orange color of the carrot is courtesy the high level of beta carotene present in the carrot and other orange foods.

So the next time, you see the scrumptiously mouth watering ‘Gajar ka Halwa’, feel just a little less guilty as you dig into it! Spinach – Spinach packs quite a punch when it comes to healthy eye-sight, as it contains not one but four eye-protectors namely Vitamin C, beta carotene along with high levels of anti-oxidants, Lutein and Zeaxanthine! This combo of four ensures that your macula remains intact and does not degenerate rapidly as you age, while also reversing the damages already done to your macula by a small extent! While these 4 do the job of protecting your eye-sight, they are also ably supplemented in their job by vitamin B1, B2, E, amino acids and proteins too! Now that you know the truth about spinach or the Palak, as we refer to it in India, Palak Paneer is bound to taste even better! Tomatoes- Now gulping tomato soup is going to protect your eye-sight as Tomatoes contain high amounts of Lutein and Zeaxanthine, beta-caroteniod’s that help fight tissue degeneration, thereby reducing the risk of macular degeneration!

So knowing that tomatoes can help protect your eye-sight, gulp that soup down and enjoy the tomato slices found in your salad! Eggs – Eggs are rich in sulphur, cysteine, Omega-3 fatty acids along with DHA and Lutein which help in strengthening of the optic nerves, which ensure that your vision remains clear. They also act as anti-oxidants protecting the lens of the eye from any damage it might sustain! Regular consumption is known to prevent cataracts and delay macular degeneration. With eggs offering so many benefits for your eye-sight, no wonder everyone loves the slogan, ‘ Sunday ho yan Monday, Roz khao Ande’ Citrus Fruits- To protect eyes from infections, cataracts, corneal ulcers and other inflammatory disorders, you need to include citrus fruits such as Mosambi, Santra and Nimbu etc. In your diet. They contain a high level of Vitamin C which is needed to prevent damage to the ocular tissues, thereby reducing the chances of macular degeneration and early cataracts! Driver Inovia Webpro Rcw 500 there.