Ee Code Cracker

3/28/2018by admin

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You may use CodeCracker in two ways: as an analyzer library that you install with Nuget into your project or as a Visual Studio extension. The way you want to use it depends on the scenario you are working on. You most likely want the Nuget package. If you want the analyzers to work during your build, and generate warnings and errors during the build, also on build servers, then you want to use the Nuget package. The package is available on nuget (, ). If you want to be able to configure which analyzers are being used in your project, and which ones you will ignore, and commit those changes to source control and share with your team, then you also want the Nuget package. Pico X Chico Game more.

Code Cracker New Zealand

To install from Nuget, for the C# version: Install-Package CodeCracker.CSharp Or for the Visual Basic version: Install-Package CodeCracker.VisualBasic Or use the Package Manager in Visual Studio. There is also a version for both named CodeCracker only, but it makes not sense to get it, you should search for the C# or VB version.

If you want the alpha builds that build on each push to the repo, add to your nuget feed. We only push complete releases to, and commit builds go to

If you want global analyzers that will work on every project you open in Visual Studio, then you want the Extension. Grab the extension at the Visual Studio Extensions Gallery (, ). Code Cracker An analyzer library for C# and VB that uses to produce refactorings, code analysis, and other niceties. Check the official project site on. There you will find information on how to contribute, our task board, definition of done, definition of ready, etc. This is a community project, free and open source. Everyone is invited to contribute, fork, share and use the code. No money shall be charged by this software, nor it will be. Installing You may use CodeCracker in two ways: as an analyzer library that you install with Nuget into your project or as a Visual Studio extension.

The way you want to use it depends on the scenario you are working on. You most likely want the Nuget package.

If you want the analyzers to work during your build, and generate warnings and errors during the build, also on build servers, then you want to use the Nuget package. The package is available on nuget (, ). If you want to be able to configure which analyzers are being used in your project, and which ones you will ignore, and commit those changes to source control and share with your team, then you also want the Nuget package. To install from Nuget, for the C# version.

Install-Package CodeCracker.VisualBasic Or use the Package Manager in Visual Studio. There is also a version for both named CodeCracker only, but it makes not sense to get it, you should search for the C# or VB version. If you want the alpha builds that build on each push to the repo, add to your nuget feed. We only push complete releases to, and commit builds go to If you want global analyzers that will work on every project you open in Visual Studio, then you want the Extension. Grab the extension at the Visual Studio Extensions Gallery (, ). To build from source.

Git clone cd CodeCracker msbuild Then add a reference to CodeCracker.dll from within the Analyzers node inside References, in Visual Studio. TL;DR: If you want to use CodeCracker in all your projects, install the Visual Studio extension (, ). If you want to use CodeCracker for just one project, install the Nuget package as described above. SonarQube Plugin CodeCracker has a SonarQube Plugin that can be downloaded.

Contributing The main supported IDE for development is Visual Studio 2015. If you want to use VS 2015 to contribute to Code Cracker use the *.2015.sln files. We recommend migrating to VS 2017 ASAP, as we might make VS 2015 obsolete at any time.

Questions, comments, bug reports, and pull requests are all welcome. Bug reports that include steps-to-reproduce (including code) are preferred. Even better, make them in the form of pull requests. Before you start to work on an existing issue, check if it is not assigned to anyone yet, and if it is, talk to that person. Also check the project and verify it is not being worked on (it will be tagged with the Working tag).

If it is not being worked on, before you start check if the item is Ready. If the issue has the Working tag (working swimlane on Huboard) and has no Assignee then it is not being worked on by somebody on the core team. Check the issue's description to find out who it is (if it is not there it has to be on the comments). We are adding people that want to contribute to the Contributors team so we can always assign them to the issues, so during your first contribution you probably will be assigned to this team. The easiest way to start is looking into the issues that are.